To be recognized as an expert

The IREF promotes all forms of independent and associated organized trade (franchise, partnership, concession, brand license, commission-affiliation, etc.). The IREF makes it possible to exchange, to fertilize their experience, in order to give power to all the networks in their development, in their organization and in their management.

Becoming a recognized IREF expert is the best way to generate a minimum of attention, respect and credibility in the field of Franchising and partnership.

Whether you are an employee, a manager, an entrepreneur, freelance or otherwise, your best asset is your expertise.
An important factor that leads to expertise is passion. You will lead conferences, by participating in networking evenings or by contributing to blogs on themes that you master.

As an expert you will bring a new vision as well as an analysis to the subjects addressed by the IREF. Thus you will be able to participate in the development of new means, tools, skills specially dedicated to the world of networks. The visibility you will acquire will be a new expression of your expertise.