Integrate a network

The IREF promotes all forms of independent and associated organized trade (franchise, partnership, concession, brand license, commission-affiliation, etc.). The IREF makes it possible to exchange, to fertilize their experience, in order to give power to all the networks in their development, in their organization and in their management.



What is the Federation for a future buyer, franchisee or partner?

IREF has a professional qualification service to guide the approach of the creator or buyer. For a franchisee or partner buyer, the choice is vast (today nearly 2,000 brands of all forms of independent organized commerce and associated commerce). Some target the city, the region, others are particularly flexible.

The IREF has the capacity to answer all the questions posed by a candidate on the legal, economic, sectoral plans and on the spirit of cooperation in relation to the various existing forms on the market. Thus, a future buyer, franchisee or partner can ask the IREF for its opinion on the sectors of activity and promising concepts, within the limits of the information held by it.